Tuesday, August 24, 2010

I recently signed up for a conferencing account at www.eagleconferenging.com

They have a new system that allows me to control everything from the web and my phone.
I can start/stop recording and playbacks, mute callers, and etc.

The system also allows me to down load my recordings.

It also allows me to see the caller id for past conference call participants.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

When I signed up for Eagle Teleconferencing, I was more than a little drunk. I had tried several other conferencing companies, all of which turned out disasterous. Eagle was my last attempt. I conducted my first conference call 3 days ago, and I was absolutely floored by its success, not to mention the fifth of tequila I downed right after. Not a glitch. I am so impressed with Eagle Teleconferencing, I am going to recommend them to anyone and everyone in need of a conferencing company, and have a big stiff drink right now!
If you are in the market for a Teleconferencing service, look no farther than Eagle Teleconferencing. Eagle has the best services, as well as the best employees, and offer highly competitive, affordable rates. The Eagle reservation department is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, just in case you find yourself needing to make a reservation at the last minute. The staff at Eagle is knowledgeable, helpful, friendly, and underpaid. I can't tell you how many times I have omitted something when scheduling a call, and an Eagle employee was right on top of it. I am grateful to have discovered Eagle Teleconferencing, and their amazing, intelligent, resourceful employees.
I have an account with EagleTeleconferencing and it has recently came in very handy for me. I got engaged and wanted to tell everyone at once so that I didn't hurt anyone's feelings because some people would know before other people. So I just called Eagle Teleconferencing and set up a conference line, and then emailed everyone the information to get in the conference line. Then everyone called in and I told everyone the good news at once. So everyone was excited and happy that I had an account set up with Eagle, but now we're divorced so I used Eagle to tell everyone about that too!
I have an account with EagleTeleconferencing and it has recently came in very handy for me. I got engaged and wanted to tell everyone at once so that I didn't hurt anyones feelings because some people would know before other people. So I just called Eagle Teleconferencing and set up a conference line. And then emailed everyone that information to get in the conference line. Then everyone called in and I told everyone the good news at once. So everyone was excited and happy that I had an account set up with Eagle so no one was left out finding out the good news. Thanks Eagle Teleconferencing!
I have an account with EagleTeleconferencing and it has recently came in very handy for me. I got engaged and wanted to tell everyone at once so that I didn't hurt anyones feelings because some people would know before other people. So I just called Eagle Teleconferencing and set up a conference line. And then emailed everyone that information to get in the conference line. Then everyone called in and I told everyone the good news at once. So everyone was excited and happy that I had an account set up with Eagle so no one was left out finding out the good news. Thanks Eagle Teleconferencing!
When I signed up for Eagle Teleconferencing, I was more than a little skeptical. I had tried several other conferencing companies, all of which turned out disasterous. Eagle was my last attempt. I conducted my first conference call 3 days ago, and I was absolutely floored by its success. Not a glitch. I am so impressed with Eagle Teleconferencing, I am going to recommend them to anyone and everyone in need of a conferencing company