Wednesday, January 16, 2008

*7 for Security

We started using Security mode on all our conference calls. It is a very good feature for those private conference call meetings that we have. Once you put the conference call in security mode no one else can join the conference call.


Nicky O said...

How does this security mode work on conference calls?

Marty said...

How do I add this feature to our conference calls?

Donna Henry said...

Well you have to call Eagle Teleconferencing Reservations 800-787-6338 with your account number and tell them you want to add security mode to your conference calls.

Donna Henry said...

Once you have everyone in the conference call the moderator of the conference call presses *7. This completely locks the conference call so no one else can join the conference call and that means no one including the operator in case you might have problems.

Marty said...

What happens if the moderator gets disconnected from the conference call? Will they be able to get back into the conference call?

Donna Henry said...

If the moderator gets disconnected from the conference call they will not be able to call back into the conference call. The only way they would be able to get back into the conference call is if everyone hangs up or you have the operator hang up the conference call.

Nicky O said...

How do you take the conference call out of security mode?

Donna Henry said...

To take the conference call out of security mode the moderator must press *7 again. This will open the conference call back up and people will be able to get into the conference call again.

Marty said...

Sounds like a great feature for those private conference call meetings! I will have to call Eagle Teleconferencing and get that added to my conference calls!

Nicky O said...

Can anyone on the conference call press *7 and place the call in security mode?

Donna Henry said...

Only the moderator on the conference call can press *7 for security mode and *7 again to take it out of security mode.

Nicky O said...

Sounds like a great feature for conference calls! We will have to add this feature to all of our conference calls!

Donna Henry said...

Some of our business is very private & we always tried before to be very careful. Eagle teleconferencing told us about the security feature & what a great relief! Our conference calls now go smooth as silk & business is conducted without a hitch.

Donna Henry said...

We starting using entry & exit tones on all our conference calls. This lets us know if someone is joining the conference call. It will beep when someone joins the conference call and then when someone exits the conference call it will also beep. Great feature for conference calls!

Donna Henry said...

We starting using entry & exit tones on all our conference calls. This lets us know if someone is joining the conference call. It will beep when someone joins the conference call and then when someone exits the conference call it will also beep. Great feature for conference calls!

Donna Henry said...

We starting using entry & exit tones on all our conference calls. This lets us know if someone is joining the conference call. It will beep when someone joins the conference call and then when someone exits the conference call it will also beep. Great feature for conference calls!

Donna Henry said...

We starting using entry & exit tones on all our conference calls. This lets us know if someone is joining the conference call. It will beep when someone joins the conference call and then when someone exits the conference call it will also beep. Great feature for conference calls!

Donna Henry said...

We starting using entry & exit tones on all our conference calls. This lets us know if someone is joining the conference call. It will beep when someone joins the conference call and then when someone exits the conference call it will also beep. Great feature for conference calls!

Donna Henry said...

We starting using entry & exit tones on all our conference calls. This lets us know if someone is joining the conference call. It will beep when someone joins the conference call and then when someone exits the conference call it will also beep. Great feature for conference calls!

Donna Henry said...

We starting using entry & exit tones on all our conference calls. This lets us know if someone is joining the conference call. It will beep when someone joins the conference call and then when someone exits the conference call it will also beep. Great feature for conference calls!

Donna Henry said...

We starting using entry & exit tones on all our conference calls. This lets us know if someone is joining the conference call. It will beep when someone joins the conference call and then when someone exits the conference call it will also beep. Great feature for conference calls!