Monday, July 14, 2008

Why choose Eagle?

You might wonder why you should choose Eagle Teleconferencing for all your conference needs, well here are just a few reasons. Eagle has lots of different types of accounts for conference calls that way they can fit your needs for conferencing. If you are just looking to you use the call monthly, or you are going to use it everyday, Eagle can find the type of account that is right for you! Also they are very cost effective, especially with gas prices on the rise, you might want to save money on driving, well Eagle is your way out. Just set up a conference call and try it out. They have recording and playback services also, there are so many other things, that Eagle can provide for conference calling that you really just need to give there sales department a call and check them out!

1 comment:

Donna Henry said...

Have you ever been on a conference call and you couldn't hear a thing because there was so much background noise? Well with Eagle Teleconferencings conference line bridges you can mute out all the participants. The moderator has the option to mute out everyone, or the callers can just mute themselves. Either way it has saved many conference calls that our company has had. Thanks Eagle for providing us with these options.